IRS Streamlined Installment Agreements Increased to $50,000
IRS announces rules for automatic acceptance of installment agreements for balances up to $50,000 for payment terms of up to 6 years.

Untimely Claim for Innocent Spouse – IRS Offering to Suspend Determinations
IRS is offering to suspend the issuance of a determination letter denying untimely claims for innocent spouse relief. In most cases, it is in the best interest of the taxpayer claiming relief to request that the IRS suspend the issuance of the determination.

California Board of Equalization NOTICE TO APPEAR Letter (BOE-420-R) — What you need to know if you received this letter
In 2008, the California State Board of Equalization initiated a program to increase prosecution of violations California Revenue and Tax Code section 6071 (engaging in a sales business without a valid California seller’s permit). If you received BOE-420-R Letter,...