by Igor Drabkin | Mar 23, 2020 | California Dep't of Tax & Fee Administration, California Employment Development Department, COVID-19, Franchise Tax Board, Sales Tax, State Board of Equalization
In the recent days, the IRS and state tax agencies have issued several announcement related to the deferral of tax filing and tax payment obligations. Here’s a summary related to California State Tax Agencies.
by Leslie van der Wal | Mar 13, 2019 | California Dep't of Tax & Fee Administration, Sales Tax, State Board of Equalization, Tax Collection
The California Department of Tax and Fees Administration (“CDFTA”) (California’s Sales and Use Tax Agency) is aggressively pursuing enforcement of its new law. The CDFTA has issued thousands of letters notifying non-California retailers of the new law. This is what...
by David Holtz | Dec 5, 2018 | Sales Tax, Tax Collection
California is currently initiating numerous sales tax audits of businesses located outside California: “Last fall, more than 2,500 online retailers with out-of-state addresses received letters from California’s Department of Tax and Fee Administration informing...
by Gary Slavett | Aug 1, 2010 | Sales Tax, State Board of Equalization
Receive California sales and use tax news by following the Tweets of the California State Board of Equalization
by David Holtz | Aug 10, 2009 | Criminal Tax, Sales Tax, State Board of Equalization
In 2008, the California State Board of Equalization initiated a program to increase prosecution of violations California Revenue and Tax Code section 6071 (engaging in a sales business without a valid California seller’s permit). If you received BOE-420-R Letter,...
by David Holtz | Aug 6, 2009 | Criminal Tax, Sales Tax, State Board of Equalization
On May 13, 2008, the Chief Counsel of the State Board of Equalization issued its legal opinion supporting the Board’s program to pursue criminal violations of Revenue and Tax Code Section 6071 (engaging in a sales business without a valid California...