On May 17, 2022, Michele Weiss, Senior Counsel at Holtz, Slavett & Drabkin, will present a CLE program on IRS and Pass-Throughs – New International Reporting Rules and Enforcement to the Women in Tax Committee of the California Lawyers Association, Tax Section.

The IRS has stepped up its enforcement efforts for taxpayers’ international reporting obligations. The IRS has also stepped up its enforcement efforts regarding S Corps. LB&I currently has three campaigns aimed at S Corporations and their shareholders. For 2021, the IRS has rolled out IRS Forms K-2 and K-3 for pass-through reporting of global operations and foreign partners/owners. This webinar will discuss the challenges of the new reporting requirements and strategies for navigating potential examinations in this area.

For more information on IRS reporting requirements for pass-throughs and international transactions, please contact Michele Weiss at 310-550-6200 or mweiss@hsdtaxlaw.com.