Tax Fraud and Tax Crimes

The IRS has a separate branch, Criminal Investigation Division, which is dedicated to investigation of potential tax crimes. Tax and related crimes include Tax Evasion, Evasion of Payment of Taxes, Fraudulent Failure to Collect Taxes, Fraudulent Failure to Pay Over Collected Taxes, Fraudulent Failure to File a Return, Failure to Supply Information to the IRS, Filing a False Return, Submitting False Documents, Money Laundering, Bank Fraud and Mail Fraud.
The consequences of a criminal investigation by the IRS or state tax agency can be very serious, including significant jail time. That’s why you need an experienced criminal tax attorney who understands both the criminal process and the tax issues involved. As Former IRS Attorneys, we have all the skills and experience to provide you with aggressive multi-tiered defense. In many instances, we are able to resolve cases without criminal charges being recommended and convincing the government that no tax crimes were committed. If post-indictment defense is necessary, our attorneys will defend you at every step of the process, including trial.
Holtz, Slavett & Drabkin, APLC
Former IRS Tax Attorneys
(310) 550-6200
10940 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 2000
Los Angeles, CA 90024